Country Store of Oscar Meadows 4SeptemberKyle Griffith2 CommentsDocumentary Photography, Genealogy, Material CultureCountry Store, Crane, Dry Fork, Genealogy, Heritage Highlights, Meadows
Save the Old Burial Grounds 14AugustKyle GriffithCemeteries, Documentary Photography, Material Culture, TributeBurial Ground, Cemetery, Heritage Highlights, Historic Preservation, Nineteenth Century
Piedmont School Artifacts 28FebruaryKyle GriffithBook, Historic Documents, Material Culture1910s, Arithmetic, DeMott, Dry Fork, Education, Meadows, Piedmont, School, Stowe
Virginia Tobacco Pipes 10DecemberKyle GriffithMaterial Culture, Virginia Tobacco Pipesartifacts, Eighteenth Century, Nineteenth Century, tobacco pipe, Twentieth Century
Farm Tool Artifacts 30SeptemberKyle GriffithFarm Tools, Material Cultureagriculture, artifacts, corn husker, pitch fork, planting peg, tobacco farming, tobacco knife